Eye Exam Calgary
Respect Eyecare Eye Exams
We are proactive in your eye exam.
We like to stay up-to-date with technology. We use the latest in retinal imaging to get high-definition imaging of the retina that detect microscopic detail that we can’t see with our eyes.
You won’t find old school equipment here for these eye exams.
Better yet, we don’t blow air into your eyes. You don’t believe us? Come see for yourself.
When was your last eye exam?​
Eye Exam
This is medical lingo by the world of Optometry for is full or complete eye exam of your vision and eye health. Comprehensive eye exams are an easy, preventive way to protect your vision and health.
We have a brand new resource you can read, it is all about the comprehensive eye exam.
What Should I Expect From an Eye Exam?
Annual eye exams are your best friend in making sure that you have healthy eyes and that you’re seeing optimally. Eye exams are beneficial for people who need vision correction and have 20/20 visual acuity.
Calgary eye exams are the best way to ensure early detection of any health issues related to eye health and vision. If left untreated, eye disease or vision impairments not only affect your ongoing eye care but also affect your overall health. Regular eye exams are critical when it comes to your eye care needs, and they are the best way to stay on top of any eye health concerns.
In your eye exam, there are a number of things that you can expect to see.
A review of your general health
Your vision and eye health
Refractive error: Do you have hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism or presbyopia?
Perception: Color vision, depth perception, eye muscle coordination
Blurry distance or reading vision
Eye strain and headaches
Sports vision for performance
Safety driving
We always recommend that children get their eyes and vision examined to ensure they achieve their full potential for school and learning. A child can be misdiagnosed with having a learning disability if s/he has an underlying eye condition.
We will look for visual acuity, eye infections and any current eye diseases
Prevention of Vision Loss and eye disease​s
Your Optometrist will ask about your medical history, eye health, and any vision problems. They will check your vision and confirm that your eyes are working optimally. Here is a rundown of the tests you can expect to see during annual eye exam (no need to study for this test).
Our Exam Fee
At Respect Eyecare, our mission is to offer modern, hip, honest eye care along with original artisan designed, handcrafted, and authentic glasses that you don't see everywhere.
We wanted to share why our exam fee is the way it is:
We continually invest back into delivering a phenomenal experience. We have technology that allows us to take care of your eyes to the highest level you can get anywhere (say goodbye to air blowing into your eyes).
We spend time with you (45-60 mins to be more exact). We walk you through every result and the reason behind each test.
We spare people from getting their eyes dilated. We can do that because of the equipment we invested in
You always walk out with something new. We always look to get our people to test drive the latest in contact lens technology.
For those who like learning more about technology, you can learn more about our optomap retinal imaging here.
This gives us a ultra-widefield, high-resolution, digital image of your retina. This becomes part of your permanent medical record and allows us to see more of the back of your eye. We will track changes in your eye over time by comparing each visit.
We are dedicated to offering our people the best eye care. We understand that we may not be for everyone and that's okay. We're here for you when you're ready to experience an honest, caring approach to eye care.
Tests in an Eye Exam in Calgary
Comprehensive eye exams include a whole number of tests and are the best way to determine eye care and eye health. During your comprehensive eye exam, we will not only look at eye care, your eye health, and your current prescription, we will also look at your overall health all it pertains to what is happening with your eyes.
Cover Test
You'll be asked to look at a small target a specific distance away while your optometrist covers and uncovers each eye to see how your eyes move and work together.
Eye Muscle Movement
This eye movements assessment determines how your eyes align, which requires you to follow a target, like a pen or a fingertip, as it moves in different directions.
Pupil Reactions
The pupils, or the black centre of your eye, are always adjusting to different amounts of light. Your eye doctor will watch how your pupils react to lighting. People with recent head injuries and concussions can experience delayed pupil reactions.
Visual Acuity/Refraction
At last, the infamous eye chart that optometrists are most known for. This involves covering one eye and reading different lines of an eye chart, from the largest letters at the top to the smallest row at the bottom.
Optometrists complement this test with a refraction test, which allows them to fine-tune your glasses prescription by finding the perfect lens combination that helps you see the best.
Slit Lamp Exam
Optometrists use a microscope designed to get an up-close and personal look at the fine structures of your eye including cornea, iris, lens, and retina.
Retinal Exam
Optometrists use imaging instruments and high-power magnifying lenses to assess the retina, blood vessels, optic nerve, and fluid in the back of your eyes. They will measure the fluid pressure in your eyes for any signs of glaucoma, measure the thickness of your corneas, and check your peripheral vision if needed.
We suggest bring your prescription glasses or contact lenses along to your appointment to help us assess what you have and show you any changes in your prescription.
Additional Information on what you should expect from eye exams in Calgary
There is a lot more that goes into eye exams so we built a reference guide. You can read through all of the steps, and what your eye exam involves below.
Click on the link below.
What to expect from my eye exam?
What About a Contact Lens Exam?
Yes, Respect Eyecare does contact lenses and contact lens exams. We love helping people find the exact right eyecare solution, and for many, that is contact lenses.
We will make sure that you have all the information you need on the newest technology in contact lenses and make sure you get the best fit for you. If you are already wearing contact lenses we can also make sure you are up to date on everything happening in the development of new content lens technology, and that you have the correct contact lens fitting.
And it's not just traditional contact lenses, we also help people with reading glasses and astigmatism to get contact lenses as well. Check out our contact lens page and book a time to see a specialist.
Are you an Eye Doctor that can help me with Eye Disease?
Yes we are optometrists, and an optometrist is an eye doctor. We help all kinds of people with eyecare, glasses, eye disease or they are getting fitted for their first contact lens. Click here to read more about the Calgary Respect Eyecare team.
Treating eye diseases isn't just about being able to see, needing glasses or thinking about what kind of contact lens you might want. It is also for people with great vision, but who want good eye health. We help all different kinds of people.
Do you perform Eye Exams for the Entire Family?
Yes, we love families. We have adult exams, seniors exams and kids exams. When it comes to affordable eye exams and Calgary eye exams, Respect Eyecare works hard to deliver the best service, the best care and the best glasses. The Calgary eye doctors at Respect Eyecare are committed to your eye care needs.
Do you offer Direct Billing for eye exams?
Yes, we are happy to submit your eye exam to your insurance company on your behalf. Click here to view the list of insurance companies that allow for direct billing.